When I first started out as a cosmetologist, I would work my fingers to the bone and charge what I thought would be affordable for my clients. I eventually created a price list for my services based on where I was located and what I thought people would feel was a fair price. Looking back, I realized, not once did I consider myself. When we decide to bet on ourselves in business what we charge can be a direct reflection of our personal worth. LET THAT SINK IN! Don't get me wrong, there are a few factors to consider when pricing your products or services but ultimately YOU make the rules.
What I'm about to share with you will guide you on how to charge your worth by developing a greater understanding of yourself worth.
Look in the mirror and brag a lil' bit!
We don't give ourselves enough credit, so I want you to get your Mohammed Ali on and talk about what makes you the shit! What do you do so well it's undeniable, point out your best features and add in how you've used your best qualities to help others. Even if it's something simple as having all your edges, shout it from the mountain top! We've gotten too comfy focusing on the negatives or worrying about others’ opinions that we forget how wonderful we truly are.
What do people come to you for?
If you’re having a tough time coming up with things to brag about look outward. Think about the positive thing’s others say about you or what people count on you for? Are you the first call when someone needs help with something? what's that something?
"Price is what you pay. Value is what you get."
-Warren Buffet
That time my mom yelled at me; I was 40.
My mom yells for a living but this time it was directed at my 40-year-old self while I was on the phone giving out business advice. She said: "stop telling everybody the stuff you had to learn on your own and took classes for, start charging people!" At that moment I said to myself, she's right. I've been a salon owner/Cosmetologist for over 20 years. I did it on my own with no loans or college degree. Just passion, determination and a lot of mistakes along the way. The fact that I don't hold a degree use to make me feel as if I couldn't charge over a certain amount for my services but as I learned to see my worth and unique talents, what I earned began to change.
What you charge is really about the value you provide.
How worthy are you? what something or someone is worth is determined by the value one gives it. You need to know you are valuable, your talent and attributes are valuable. Your story and experiences add value and for that you determine your worth.
What we put out into the world is a reflection of us, it will be judged, compared, embraced and even overlooked but when we know our worth we charge accordingly and add tax!
It's still very much a numbers game
Lastly, things like cost of products, time, shipping blah blah blah are all factors to be added to your final pricing. Just remember to pay yourself in the process by considering the value you bring to what you're offering.
Now go reevaluate those prices for 2023!
Thanks for reading this post, I hope it resonated with you... If you are a beauty professional or service provider, you can be the first to access my online course! The Ultimate Beauty Boss Up- the blueprint to becoming a six-figure earner. , CLICK HERE to get %50 off when you use code: 2023 Happy Holidays... free to leave a comment below.